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My Sister's Grave

My Sister's Grave

My Sister's Grave

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My Sister's Grave

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 10 hours and 49 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Brilliance Audio Release Date: November 1, 2014

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

This is the first book of Mr. Dugoni's that I've read and have to say I loved it. Lots of suspense keeping you glued to the pages. Very well written, great characters and complex plot. I just ordered 2 more of his books and look forward to reading them.

Mysteries are one of the most read genre's in the book world. There are many author's and many tales to choose from. I've never given five stars, but if any book deserves it, this one does. My sister's grave is everything we crave in a mystery. Tracy Crosswhite, a Seattle detective has been fighting demons for two decades. When her younger sister disappears 20 years ago following a shooting competition, it shatters the lives of a family and a small, tight knit community. Tracy's father James, a we'll respected man in the small town of Cedar Grove Washington devotes his whole being to finding out what happened to Sarah, Tracy's sister. Roy Calloway, the sherriff of Cedar Grove, and a good friend of James Crosswhite believe they know who murdered Sarah. Edmund House, a convicted rapist has allegedly confessed to raping and murdering Sarah. There's just one big problem... they've never found her body. Questionable evidence ends up getting Edmund House convicted of the crime. His confession was never recorded, and to Tracy, a Seattle detective who quit her career as a chemistry teacher in Cedar Grove to become a law enforcement officer following her sister's disappearence, the evidence just doesn't add up. Now, 20 years later, after a dam is removed, hunters find the skeletal remains of Sarah in a shallow grave where a lake once stood. This puts into motion a complete revisiting of the case, with Tracy determined to find out who killed her sister. The story weaved by Mr. Dugoni is an incredible tale of love, deception, and how to reconcile both. I couldn't put this book down after the first chapter. As soon as you think you've figured out what's happened, you realize you haven't. The characters are real, the emotions raw. You'll find yourself convinced of one's wrongdoing only to question it later. This book is so we'll written, so engrossing that you almost don't want it to end. If you read only one murder mystery this year...make it this one. You won't be disappointed.

I'm certainly not sorry I read the book - it's interesting, fast-paced, and entertaining. I love crime drama and this definitely read like an episode of csi or law & order. I also appreciated that the author manages to portray the heinous crime without being unreasonably graphic or vulgar. My biggest issue with the story is just how unbelievable it is. I realize Tracy's point is to uncover the egregious mishandling of the case, but it really pushes the level of possibility. The ending is also pretty far-fetched, but I understand it's fiction. My problem with the ending is how fast and explosive it is compared to the overall pacing of the book.Also, the author needs to work on names and naming conventions. There are so many minor characters and when they all have names like Finlay, Finn, and Kins, it's harder to tell them apart. Also, the author flips back and forth between calling a character by their first name and last name with no apparent pattern or reasoning. It makes it particularly difficult when a character is named something like "Kelly Rosa", she comes up in about 3 scenes, and half the time she's called Kelly and half the time Rosa. I thought they were two different people.As I said, I'm not sorry I read the book and would recommend it to someone who was looking for a easy crime read. I'd also consider another book by this author, but agree with other reviewers that he needs to consider a different editor.

I love a series. Sometimes I find a character I like and buy all the other books to see how the character develops. Almost always the series starts with a mystery and, in a few books, it becomes personal. That's usually where the distraction begins. This one started with a personal issue. Fortunately, it did not detract from the story which we want to be "how the mystery is solved". Anyway, Crosswhite is a fully formed character at this point and likeable in her own way. She is the hero but subject to all the human conditions that make us relatable. I'm looking forward to seeing how she acts in the rest of the books.I read reviews before buying these. There were some issues with the forward/backward timelines and some who thought that these "flashbacks" were a distraction and created confusion. Sometimes that is true, but I don't know if the story could be told in any different manner. And Dugoni is certainly a talented storyteller. If you are considering this book, it's a pretty good read.

I read, on average, 2-3 books a month. I have to say, this is the best book I have read in several years. The flashbacks along with current story lines makes the characters more complete. The story line involving the murder of Tracys' sister and the subsequent years of trying to determine the truth when an innocent man is sentenced for the crime and sent to prison. The twist and turns throughout the story made it move fast and kept me glued to the book to see who actually did it. When the conclusion arrived, I was floored by the reveal. I did not anticipate the ending. It wrapped everything up completely. It is a completely enthralling book that will grab and deep your attention for every page!!!

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