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The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend

The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend

The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend

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The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 12 hours and 10 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Random House Audio Release Date: January 19, 2016

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English

ASIN: B0198NQ4U4

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

This was one of the most irritating books I have read. The story was flat, two-dimensional, and utterly lacking in likable characters, plot, or feeling. While you can find summaries elsewhere, there are three things that I think made this book so terrible:1) The author is not American. This is okay—non-American authors write amazing things. The problem here is that she is a terrible writer with a limited imagination who wrote about a midwest town, that reads like a caricature. This shallow representation of life in Iowa comes across—especially from a European author with a European main character who is presented as wise and accepting and literate amidst the boorish and uneducated Iowans—incredibly condescending.2) As someone who loves books, this felt written by someone who googled some top ten book categories (American novels, classics, chick lit) and then inserted them into the novel. I can't believe that Bivald actually read, or enjoyed, any of the books she mentioned. Her main character's thoughts about these books could have been lifted from the inner book flap. No originality.3) The main character is one of those types who starts out meek and mild, yet by some grace everyone seems to like her, or she "grows" on people, through no effort of her own, no redeeming qualities, or no explicable cause.I cannot tell which of the above was more insulting to readers' intelligence, but I truly hated this book. It felt pandered to, talked down, and annoyed at a lost opportunity, because the premise was intriguing. The execution and the wildly inaccurate, unlikely, and superficial plotline were botched.

First, I LOVED the characters in this book; their personalities were delightful, and I loved how the love of books was practically another character.What I didn't love about this book was the random Harlequin romance-esque scenes. They just seemed so out of place; the book is going along displaying life in a small town when all the sudden there are taut muscles and shallow breathing.I also didn't like he random "hot topics" thrown in, but with very little development. Let's have a gay couple; okay, fine. Let's add a random gay kid whose actually bisexual having an affair with an older woman. Let's introduce an interracial couple but never learn anything about it.In summary, I wish the author had chosen to write a light vacation read or take the time to delve into the topics that she brings up. I can't decide if she was wanting to write a light novel, but got bogged down; or tried to write a deep novel examining the human condition, but was too lazy to develop it.

The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend was an entertaining book that could have been incredible with more writing experience and a better editor. There were too many sudden coincidences, sudden inexplicable romances, vanishing (and appearing) characters and instances where it was necessary to use the old English class exercise of "willing suspension of disbelief," all of which distracted from a very cute story. Example number one: The book begins with the death of Amy and arrival of Sara (this is not a spoiler; it's in the description). Sara lives in Amy's house, takes over Amy's store and sells Amy's books for almost 3 months (also not a spoiler; it's in the description). During this 3 months, there is NO mention of a will. Who actually now owns Amy's house? Is Sara stealing Amy's property from another unmentioned character? People don't just die and have their stuff raided by whoever wants it. Life doesn't happen that way. Example number two: Gertrude and May are two highly entertaining characters who have a pretty decent role for the first 3/5 of the book and then just up and vanish, never to be mentioned again - not even in the climactic scenes. Example number three: The opposite. Characters who shall remain nameless to avoid spoilers just randomly appear without explanation for two or three chapters to force a plot twist, then just as randomly vanish. Example number four (last one): The romances are not believable. There is one that can be described as "I saw you; I know nothing about you; I want you now!" Again, most seem to have been thrown in to force a plot twist because the author thought there weren't enough in the book already.I know it seems as though I am trashing this book. But, I had such high hopes for it. It had entertaining characters, a good setting, and fabulous descriptions. But, I got so very frustrated from all of the "What-in-the-heck?" and "No way!" situations. The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend could have been amazing. I hope that as the author becomes more mature, she drops her infatuation with the sudden dramatic plot twist and concentrates on her ability to tell a good story.

This book took me a while to read as I only have time to read at night after the kids are in bed, but I easily picked up the story again and always seemed to put it down with a smile. I liked the depth of the characters, they were all flawed and imperfect. Yet one by one they revealed their individuality and beauty within. I also have always loved books so understood Sara's craving to escape into them. I also loved how she shared her fascination with each person, finding them just the right thing to help brighten their world. That is the power of books, turning the mundane into adventure, or at least possibilities. This was a great read, gentle and moving. Thumbs up!

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