Download PDF , by Gordon Alexander

Download PDF , by Gordon Alexander

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, by Gordon Alexander

, by Gordon Alexander

, by Gordon Alexander

Download PDF , by Gordon Alexander

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, by Gordon Alexander

Product details

File Size: 3223 KB

Print Length: 181 pages

Publication Date: April 25, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#98,016 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

"Mr. Gordy" has done it again - kept me up late at night turning page after page and laughing out loud at his antics and foibles. Just as with his first book, The Nepali Flat, I really felt like I was there with him, going through the pain, experiencing the amazing and appreciating the views. I loved the respect he shows for the characters he meets and travels with and the environment through which he ventures. As a traveler myself, I understand that sometimes you have to do difficult things to do and see things that most people only dream about. And Mr. Alexander is no slouch when it comes to telling it like it is, warts and all. This is a great story that strongly reflects one man's genuine love for travel and adventure through a world less visited. Read this book. Then read his other books too.

I had read Gordon's first book 'The Nepali Flat' and enjoyed it so much I bought this book and enjoyed it too. He has an endearing writing style - relaxed, informative, well constructed, well thought out, reader-friendly, plus a quirky sense of humour that I enjoy. You feel you are with him when he slogs up another mountain (Nepali Flat) or sees the beauty as he conquers another volcano (Volcanoes, Jungles), you are with him when he releases baby turtles (Volcanoes, Jungles) or is compassionate and egalitarian to his guides and people he meets (both books) - he seems like a nice guy with an outgoing personality, a love of travel, a love of the people he meets, their culture all combined with his quirky Aussie sense of humour. It's also great that his website includes photos from his travels - you get to see him and some of the people he meets as well as see some of the things he saw. I'm now waiting to read his next book about his travels in South America.

After devouring Napali Flat i immediately purchased his second book. I was looking forward to more armchair adventures. Sadly, this book disappointed early on. Get inside a crazy cab ride to town with crazy cab driver , get stuck in traffic with cows, arrive after bumpy drive to lodge, meet porter and native guide, write in natives 'funny language's etc....I felt this could easily be Indonesia Flat-- as it's chapters unwound i had deja vu and I knew there would be small beds, weird food and sore legs. And since Amazon limits photo storage, I had to go elsewhere to get a sense of what the neck he was talking about. I hope his next book is not as formulated.

I loved this second adventure from Gordon Alexander nearly as much as The Nepali Flat. Most of the stuff I read puts me in the Himalayas or the Karakorum ranges so this was an interesting foray into the volcanoes of Indonesia. As always, Gordon is able to allow you to experience what he does in great detail (leeches, ewww). I would like some more history from Gordon, like how many times did he really visit Indonesia on holiday and tell us more about Australia and why are you so into travelling? Also, I didn't think you spent too much time whining in your first book. It was the first time I got a real sense of the struggles an everyday person has on treks like that. I would have liked a little more gory detail of day to day hurdles. And please post more pics on your website! Grab this book to experience volcanoes as you never have before!

Having read this and Nepali Flat, Gordon is a great guide and a very likable person. This travel unfolds with childlike wonder, humor, insights and Everyman struggles in a way that makes it an awesome read. He doesn’t try to come off as some hero explorer. It feels like you are experiencing it with an old college friend who genuinely loves the euphoria of discovery but does it in such a real and transparent way you can’t help but feel you are experiencing it with him. Many of his humorous observations had me chuckling out loud and I am not an “LOL” type person. He genuinely seems to love the place and the people he travels with and gets to know along the way. I feel like I got to know them too unlike many I have read where the others are merely secondary background characters in some pretentious story about some heroic traveler. Gordon is very real and likable. He lives in the moment, doesn’t try to prove anything and soaks in the experience good and bad. You experience the moment with him. That makes a great travel writer. I really hope he does more. I’ll read them all!

This is absolutely a must read book ! the story of Gordon's travel experience great, and shows people and theoir places where most of us will never come. On the website is an amount of beautiful pics, so we can at least drool some.... May be try some of the recipes that people in this book prepared ? I got an Indian friend who probably knows how to. Very interesting info on the Krakatau explosion.Waiting for your next book ! I t is already on my wish list.

I didn't want this book to end. I have never been to that part of the world and Gordon painted a wonderful (though a bit scary) portrait of it. Countless times I told my husband that I want to visit Indonesia. Gordon sounds like the type of guy I would love to have a beer with!!!!

Gordon is one determined hiker. What he puts himself through in the name of adventure, well...better him than me. Actually, I've been to some of the places Gordon visited, but when I got to the Pinnacles on Borneo...picture giant limestone daggers waiting for you to slip. Then picture your shaking knees giving out on the way back down and if you're like me, you'd chicken out. Not Gordon. A fun read that takes you to some amazing places. Grab this book and enjoy the journey.

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