Download Ebook Murder at Archly Manor: High Society Lady Detective, Book 1

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Murder at Archly Manor: High Society Lady Detective, Book 1

Murder at Archly Manor: High Society Lady Detective, Book 1

Murder at Archly Manor: High Society Lady Detective, Book 1

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Murder at Archly Manor: High Society Lady Detective, Book 1

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 7 hours and 20 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Sara Rosett Release Date: November 17, 2018

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Sara Rosett recalls, in her author’s note to “Murder at Archly Manor,” that in writing her “Murder on Location” modern mystery series she became intrigued by what was happening in the 1920s at the same location. Thus, her High Society Lady Detective series was born. Now, there are many historical mysteries series out there with the same sort of theme, but Ms. Rossett adds to the oeuvre with fully realized characters, settings and language that fit the times and the situations. I especially appreciated the time she takes with the women’s clothing, a special favorite of mine.Olive Belgrave needs a job, and she’s exhausted all the usual avenues. When given the opportunity to look into the background of her younger cousin’s fiancé, she figures, “Why not? An easy chance to make some easy money.” The “job” comes with some perks: attend a High Society Soiree, mingle with the Bright Young Things of the time, and ask some questions. What she didn’t expect to do was witness a murder. Not usually The Thing, but what’s a girl to do? Well, figure out the killer, of course, because it’s coming frightfully close to home.And she does, after the usual scratching of head and false leads: Who was where? Who has an alibi? Who’s looking especially guilty? There’s a few run-ups to London, and some squaring off with a Scotland Yard inspector (no flirting there, our author has someone else in mind). To Ms. Rosett’s credit, she doesn’t make it easy for Olive, who thinks she has it all figured out – and then the truth takes a twist.An entertaining beginning to a promising series. Looking forward to the next.

This book makes a great light holiday read. The plot and characters are interesting enough to keep you reading, and the attention to detail in descriptions of décor, costumes etc adds to the enjoyment of reading a novel set in the 1920s. My only quibble is that , whilst it is set in England and most of the characters are supposed to be English they all somehow felt more American to me. While you can notice the influence of English writers such as Agatha Christie and Dorothy Sayers, or perhaps a bit of P.G Wodehouse and the like, somehow the quintessential Englishness is not captured. having said that, I still enjoyed this book and would read more by the author.

When Olive tries her hand at detective work her first case is to investigate her cousin Violet’s fiancé Alfred. Both Olive and Violet are guests at a weekend house party at Archly Manor, with Alfred and his friends. When Alfred is pushed to his death from the balcony Olive must find the killer to prove Violet is innocent. Lots of fun and suspense.

I love period mysteries and this was was a very fun read. It had a little bit of everything. Some family issues, some romance, and some murder. I look forward to the next one.

I enjoyed this book a lot. It presented the early 1920's in a believable format and the descriptions of places, clothing, cars etc were very enjoyable, and not too overdone. The characters were well written if not totally engaging but I'm sure they will develop as the series progresses. I will definitely look for the 2nd installment in the adventures of Olive, High Society Lady Detective.

I'm glad so many readers took pleasure from this book.I didn't like it. I couldn't tell the characters apart. All the women were the same, and all the men were the same.There was no plot. When the killer was revealed in the lengthy exposition at the end, I couldn't remember who that person was. At first I thought it was one of the children. Then I realized it was one of the indistinguishable adults.

Loved this book - I really like the golden age era, and this book had all the details I find fascinating. Fun story!

I normally steer away from historical fiction but because I am a HUGE fan of Sara Rosett, I made an exception. A great decision on my part. I’m already a fan of Olive Belgrade and moving on to her second adventure.

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Murder at Archly Manor: High Society Lady Detective, Book 1 PDF

Murder at Archly Manor: High Society Lady Detective, Book 1 PDF

Murder at Archly Manor: High Society Lady Detective, Book 1 PDF
Murder at Archly Manor: High Society Lady Detective, Book 1 PDF


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