Free Ebook Project Management for Business Engineering and Technology

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Project Management for Business Engineering and Technology

Project Management for Business Engineering and Technology

Project Management for Business Engineering and Technology

Free Ebook Project Management for Business Engineering and Technology

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Project Management for Business Engineering and Technology


'I have long considered this text by far the best' -Prof Charles Thompson, Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences, Northwestern University, USA.

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About the Author

John Nicholas is professor of operations and project management and former associate dean of the Graduate School of Business at Loyola University Chicago. He is an active teacher, writer and researcher in project management and manufacturing management, conducts executive seminars and consults on project management and process improvement. He has authored numerous academic and technical publications and led projects for companies such as Lockheed-Martin Corporation, Bank America and Argonne National Laboratory. He has a BS in aeronautical and astronautical engineering, an MBA in operations research from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and a PhD in industrial engineering and applied behavioral science from Northwestern University.Herman Steyn, PhD, is professor in the Graduate School of Technology Management, University of Pretoria, South Africa where he specializes in project management He has been involved in project management in industry since 1975, has managed a variety of large and small engineering projects (system, product, and process development) in the minerals, defense and nuclear industries, and has also managed project portfolios. In 1996 he was appointed to his current position at the University of Pretoria where he initiated a masters' program in project management; currently the only Masters' program in Project Management on the African continent that is accredited by the PMI (USA). He also initiated and coordinates a comprehensive continuing-education program in project management that has been attended by more than 4000 people from 1997 to 2008. Besides teaching graduate courses, consulting, and conducting research in project management, over the last decade Herman has conducted more than 100 seminars and workshops on project management.

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Product details

Paperback: 704 pages

Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 4 edition (November 28, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0080967043

ISBN-13: 978-0080967042

Product Dimensions:

7.5 x 1.5 x 10.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 3 pounds

Average Customer Review:

3.9 out of 5 stars

33 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#865,194 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Dr. Nicholas wrote and configured this book particularly for the student learner. Even without a business background of any sort, I was able to learn so much and gain a comprehensive understanding and build a solid foundation of how businesses manage projects. Dr. Nicholas is a real tenured professor at a business school so he knows how to teach students. Writing this book was not a side job or hobby for him. It was written with great explanations and real world references to successful and failed projects for one to learn from real world mistakes and successes. I rented this book and then bought it because it is something one can reference no matter what field or industry they work in. I spoke about PM and what i learned in this book in my last job interview and it impressed my interviewers more than my knowledge of exactly what I needed to know about the job I was interviewing for. I'm now studying for my CAPM.

This was our textbook for my Project Management class I took in graduate school.The Pros:This book contains many case studies that do a superb job in illustrating the principles being covered. These case studies alone are an excellent learning tool. They cover both what should be done as well as what NOT to do when managing a project. From that standpoint, this would be a must-read for someone contemplating going into business for one's self or taking a management job at a company.The cons:This is likely THE wordiest textbook I have ever read. If there were a contest to see how many chapters one could spend talking about 1 or 2 paragraphs of actual content, this would be hands-down the WINNING entry!Conclusion:If you can wade through the wordy parts and extract the "meat" from each chapter, paying close attention to how that "meat" relates to the case studies, this would be a very worth-while read. But don't get this if you are not committed to spending some time with it; reading this will entail quite a bit of work.

The book I received says 'Special Indian Edition' in a red box on the cover. It was supposed to have 704 pages and this one has 675, I do not yet know if it will work for my class. I am annoyed that the red banner that appears on the book is not on the image. The first assignment is tomorrow so I am stuck, but I am annoyed.

So far the book seems to be a pretty good roadmap to project management. The only thing I have not cared for is many of the figures/tables it discusses are not on the same page so you have to flip back and forth.

great textbook fast shipping

Came in extremely handy while taking PM classes

Passed the course and even learned some stuff.

Mandatory requirement as part of PM course but very nice and helpful to learn.For PM, this book is recommended.

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