Ebook Download Medicare For Dummies, by Patricia Barry

Ebook Download Medicare For Dummies, by Patricia Barry

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Medicare For Dummies, by Patricia Barry

Medicare For Dummies, by Patricia Barry

Medicare For Dummies, by Patricia Barry

Ebook Download Medicare For Dummies, by Patricia Barry

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Medicare For Dummies, by Patricia Barry

From the Back Cover

Learn to: Navigate the Medicare maze Know exactly when to enroll Make smart coverage decisions Avoid mistakes that could cost you money The fast and easy way to get up to speed on Medicare It's time for you (or a loved one) to enroll in Medicare, but Medicare is a maze. You must choose among many options to pick the one that's best for you personally. To do that, you need accurate information that steers you clear of bad advice and costly pitfalls. Medicare For Dummies is the friendly guide you need to navigate Medicare successfully and get the best of the system. The nuts and bolts — understand how Medicare works, what it covers, and what it costs The hows and whens — find out how you qualify for Medicare, when you should enroll according to your personal circumstances, and how Medicare fits in with other health insurance you may have Make smart choices — discover the many options available in Medicare, and find out how to make confident choices that are right for you From the inside out — grasp how to use Medicare effectively, from managing routine costs and dealing with doctors to filling prescriptions and reducing your out-of-pocket expenses Open the book and find: When you should sign up A plain-language explanation of how Medicare works How you qualify What Medicare covers — and costs How Medicare works with other health benefits Medigap and Medicare Advantage plans explained Tips on reducing out-of-pocket expenses How to choose a Part D plan Red flags to alert you to a scam

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About the Author

Patricia Barry is features editor of AARP Media as well its online "Ms. Medicare" columnist. A recognized authority on Medicare and Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage who has written extensively for consumers, Patricia has answered thousands of questions sent by Medicare beneficiaries across the nation.

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Product details

Series: For Dummies

Paperback: 408 pages

Publisher: For Dummies; 2 edition (September 8, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9781119079422

ISBN-13: 978-1119079422

ASIN: 111907942X

Product Dimensions:

7.4 x 0.8 x 9.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

526 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#501,403 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

If you have a special situation such as being a veteran or other situation, then this book may be beneficial. The document from HRS called Medicare and You I believe is just as good or better and it is free. Seems like about 20% of the book is worthwhile and the rest is for these special situations which I did not need. Get the free document first, then decide if you need additional information. The free document has more current info as well, while the book is several years old, and item can change annually.

I'm a physician and bought this for my parents who are shopping for Medicare plans. They resented the implication that they're dummies, but in the end begrudgingly had to admit this turned out to be a very useful book. It far surpassed any online resource we could find, most of which were either far too simple or far too dense. In contrast, this book actually walked my parents through every step of the process, skillfully anticipating points of confusion that might arise along the way and ultimately leaving no question unanswered. The author is very good at simplifying confusing aspects of the medicare system without dumbing them down (despite the title!). I learned a lot from this book myself - as a physician I have a general sense of how medicare works but when my parents started asking very specific questions I realized I didn't know nearly as much as I should. Definitely recommended!

This is an excellent book. I first borrowed it from my library because I will be eligible for Medicare this year. I found it to be such an excellent source of reference on Medicare, that I had to buy one for my own, so I ordered it from Amazon. The book explains EVERYTHING in very easy-to-understand terms. It is not just a "read before you do it" book but one I expect I will be referencing as long as I am on Medicare. Highly recommend!

I bought this book because AARP recommends it. If you buy only one "how to" book on Medicare, this is the book. It has absolutely everything you need to know, in a format that is easy to follow and well organized. There are some truly important deadlines that are crucial to not miss when you are signing up for Medicare or you can suffer lifetime surcharges. This book will help you to cross every "T" and dot every "I" if you read it carefully.Highly recommended.

Turning 65 later this year, started getting bombarded with mailers about medicare options and plans and seminars. Figured I better learn this stuff so I don't get screwed. Wow, there is so much to learn, so many twists and turns, angles... over 60 plans. Mindboggling. I've been going to several seminars given by different people for different perspectives and am finally getting the hang of it. Strongly suggest you go plus find one-on-one independent insurance agents to answer your questions, and there will be many. Seminars have so many people that it's hard to get all your questions answered, plus the more you study the medicare.gov website the more questions you have. your local hospital should have a medicare expert on staff with whom you can make an appointment to learn more, ask questions. Those are usually free.Now onto the book. Ran into a lady at one of the seminars who swore by it... said it's fantastic, answers all your questions. So I bought it and she was so right. I read a chapter every night, highlight stuff important to me, postit pages I want to return to... it is explained so well and in laymen's terms. I recommend this book to all on the path to 65 and having to learn about Medicare coverage. If you don't learn it, you could get screwed as they will assign a plan to you if you don't pick one. The one they choose for you may not fit your medical needs. So it's super important to learn. Start learning early so it's not so overwhelming. There are also many ways to cut your costs for medicare such as monthly premiums, prescriptions, deductibles and co-pays. If saving money is a concern, this book helps you figure the ins and outs of the system with discounts, how you quality, getting free assistance, etc. I am so so happy I bought this. Still working on it but won't have to make a decision until June. Well worth the investment now and for the next few years.

This book definately spells out what medicare does. Confusing at times but everything associated with governmental regulation confusing. The author is thorough with explanations and I recommend this book for everyone who is getting to Medicare age. I am a RN and this book was very informative to the lay person.

This is a most informative book. It covers everything you need to know about Medicare. Retired military will be interested in the section which explains how Tricare for Life interacts with Medicare. I had very specific questions, such as how and when should I apply for Medicare, how I pay the premiums, and whether I should choose original Medicare or a Medicare advantage plan. This book answered all my questions and explained it all in easy to understand language. I recommend Medicare for Dummies to anyone who will soon be covered by Medicare.

Very thorough, but also clear (unlike everything else I've read so far). I finally feel like I understand Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Medigap, what's covered and what's not. Also very complete info for where to go when there's a problem. Worth every dime.

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Medicare For Dummies, by Patricia Barry PDF


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